Hey there! I recently purchased this sturdy paper online, perfect for wrapping up sandwiches. It's incredibly durable, even if it gets a bit wet, it won't tear easily. I also use it for wrapping hot dogs, burgers, and more. I highly recommend giving it a try—you won't be disappointed! If you want more details, check out the seller's website at https://mcdonaldpaper.com/durable-inc-gc6bio-x-6x10-75-inch-natural-dry-wax-deli-paper-1000-pk/. There you'll find all the info and reviews from others. Hope this helps, and good luck!
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Hey there! I recently purchased this sturdy paper online, perfect for wrapping up sandwiches. It's incredibly durable, even if it gets a bit wet, it won't tear easily. I also use it for wrapping hot dogs, burgers, and more. I highly recommend giving it a try—you won't be disappointed! If you want more details, check out the seller's website at https://mcdonaldpaper.com/durable-inc-gc6bio-x-6x10-75-inch-natural-dry-wax-deli-paper-1000-pk/ . There you'll find all the info and reviews from others. Hope this helps, and good luck!